Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sketch Karg

this is Joe Karg.
we went to school together.
his graphic novel EL GRANDE will rock your damn face off.
check him out.


andrewQuintiliani said...

Heeeeey, I've heard of that guy. He's the one with the crush on the Latino guy, right?

EL GRANDE said...

thanks for your comments and thanks for linking El Grande!!! Your support means a lot to us!!! The caricature you did of Joe is awesome!!ja,ja,aj,aja (Spanish laugh) Your work has improved a lot!!!!

Take care and keep the good work!!!

Unknown said...

Um...Wow J thanks:)

That's really funny dude. I love it, and thanks for the El Grande shout. Much love dude. I feel like nothing in my life has slowed since graduation, so I'm still playing catch up with some things, but as soon as I catch my breathe, I'll do a piece for you.

Peace brother,

ACCIA said...

very funny !! great work!

Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

that's definitely Joe